Friday, May 28, 2010

Our First Video!

First of all, I need everyone to know that we are not computer savvy and that we have ZERO experience editing films. So this is very raw. Just go with it.

In this video, Billy and I attempted Zuzana's hardest workout yet which is her 12 minute "Keep it Hard" workout. The idea is to condense a typical one hour workout at the gym into the shortest amount of time possible. This appealed to us because Billy and I are always looking for ways to get a good workout in while watching Jackson. In total, we only spent half an hour in the park which is pretty much Jackson's threshold.

I found this workout to be interesting and fun. I understand the concept and in theory, it should work however, I found that I could barely perform each preceding exercise to my best ability because I was still recovering from the one before. Having my heart rate in the max zone for 12 minutes will certainly burn fat but,it wouldnt be very beneficial to your total body to workout this way everyday.

So here is is, our very first recorded performance (and it ain't pretty)....however, pretty funny..

Muscle Carr's


12 minutes total. Each exercise is 50 seconds long, then 10 seconds of rest.

1. Chin Ups

2. Prisoner Jump Squats

3. Mountain Climber

4. Clapping Push Ups

5. Jump Lunges

6. Bicycle

7. Dips

8. Forward Lunge Jump Up/ Backward Lunge Jump Up (as one exercise on one leg)

9. Forward Lunge Jump Up/ Backward Lunge Jump Up (on the other leg)

10. Side Crunch – left

11. Side Crunch – right

12. Burpees

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

TOP 20 Worst Drinks on the Market - Like no DUH

Hi Everyone,

I took Jackson to the park yesterday and I think I over did it. One of the hardest things to do in NY is to get around with an infant. At first, I embraced it as a fitness challenge but now I can see, it is down right cruel! The park is about a mile away and so I had put everything in his stroller while I carried him in a snugly. Coming home, I put him in the stroller so he could take a nap which lead me to carry all our supplies (blankets, diapers, wipes, food, and so ...). The hardest part was getting him and everything up the stoop, into our narrow brownstone doors and up the stairs all while trying not to disturb his sleep. I overdid it. Last night, as I started my boxing workout, I felt a pinch in my neck and the next thing you know, I can barley turn my head to the left or lift my left arm. I am so disappointed!! I have all these plans for the upcoming week and now I have to rest.

Also, this means that I have to focus more on my diet (which is not fun because I love my food)

And on that note, I leave you with this year's list of top 20 Worst Drinks in each drink category that are currently available on the market. Most of them deserve a "like duh" introduction however, if you click on the link, the article will tell you some good alternatives to each beverage.

For complete nutritional facts on this list and to see their alternatives, click on the link.
Source: Men's Health Magazine:

1) Worst Beverage in America: Cold Stone PB&C (Gotta Have It size) - 2,010 calories
2) Worst Smoothie: Smoothie King Peanut Power Plus Grape (large, 40 fl oz) - 1,498 calories
3) Worst Drive-Thru Shake: McDonald’s Triple Thick Chocolate Shake (large, 32 fl oz) - 1,160 calories
4) Worst Froze Mocha: Così Double Oh! Arctic Mocha (gigante, 23 fl oz)- 1,210 calories
5) Worst Frozen FRUIT Drink: Krispy Kreme Lemon Sherbet Chiller (20 fl oz) - 980 calories
6) Worst Float: Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream Soda (vanilla ice cream and cola) (large, 28.6 fl oz)- 960 calories
7) Worst Margarita - Traditional Red Lobster Lobsterita (24 fl oz) - 890 calories
8) Worst Froze Coffee Drink: Dairy Queen Caramel MooLatte (24 fl oz) - 870 calories
9) Worst Hot Chocolate: Starbucks White Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream (venti, 20 fl oz) - 520 calories
10) Worst Lemonade: Auntie Anne’s Wild Cherry Lemonade Mixer (32 fl oz) - 470 calories
11) Worst Espresso Drink: Starbucks Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha with Whipped Cream (venti, 20 fl oz) - 660 calories
12) Worst Juice Impostor: Arizona Kiwi Strawberry (1 can, 23 fl oz) - 345 calories
13) Worst Functional Beverage: Arizona Rx Energy (1 can, 23 fl oz) - 345 calories
14) Worst Kids Drink: Tropicana Tropical Fruit Fury Twister (1 bottle, 20 fl oz) - 340 calories
15) Worst Beer: Sierra Nevada Bigfoot (1 bottle, 12 fl oz)- 350 calories
16) Worst Soda: Sunkist (1 bottle, 20 fl oz) - 320 calories
17) Worst Bottled Coffee: Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino (1 bottle, 13.7 fl oz) - 290 calories
18) Worst Energy Drink: Rockstar Energy Drink (1 can, 16 fl oz) - 280 calories
19) Worst Bottled Tea: SoBe Green Tea (1 bottle, 20 fl oz) - 240 calories
20 Worst Water: Snapple Agave Melon Antioxidant Water (1 bottle, 20 fl oz) - 150 calories

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wedding Dress Use #20 - YOGA MAT

Hilarious article I read today about a man who's wife quit his a*s. All she left behind was her wedding dress and when he asked her to come get it, she said to do whatever he wanted with it. And so he did.....

My favorite of course is when he turned his wife's wedding dress into a yoga mat.

Here is the rest of the article:


Muscle Carr

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I'm Back! New 30 Day Challenge - With Special Guest Appearance

Hi everyone!!!

So needless to say, its been a long time since I have been on here. Billy and I got so busy after returning back to work full time. I didn't gain any weight back THANK GOD but I haven't lost much either. So we are starting anew. Often times, this is the best way to lose weight. You should treat your weight loss program as a marathon and not a sprint. That way, you are more likely to keep the weight off as I have done so. I continued to workout but not everyday and with less intensity. And I have also learned from my peers who have had a child to give yourself the 9 months it took to put on the weight, to take it off. That has helped be emotionally through this experience. After all, the more you stress out about losing weight, the more likely you are to not lose any!

So now please join me (With special guest appearance, my husband, Billy Carr!) as we find new ways to workout together with our son. For the next 30 days, we will both try to lose a pant size and or 8-10 pounds. We hope to accomplish this by using Zuzanna's workouts on, and vetoing any fried food! AHH! I love me some crispy rock shrimp! But that is not allowed on this journey.

Here are our starting stats:
Faryn - weight: 161, Goal: 153

Billy - weight: 195, Goal: 185

So please check back later tonight for tomorrow's workout regimen. This morning, I preformed the following workout. Have fun and let me know how it goes!

And by the way, the person who reaches their goal first gets a week off from the morning feedings!! So wish us LUCK!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

If You Care......

HA! Just thought the name of this coffee filter was funny. Ive been using them for about a week now and I just realized that it says "If you care" on the box". Um..what? Are other coffee filters made of baby seals or something? Geeze!! Apparently these are made with no bleach so when you discard them, bleach does not end up in our lakes and streams. I am all for doing what I personally can to keep my carbon foot print low so I'll put up with the slogan. But seriously, lighten up!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Calming Sounds for Babies

Ok, so I am not even going to pretend to be an expert here. I just want to let other mother's know about something that seems to be working for Jackson. Lately I have been so tired from watching him all day (he seems to be getting needier), then going to work and then finally getting my workout in. He has been so "on edge" lately and I think I have finally discovered something that helps. I downloaded the sound "Tropical Beach" from the Album "Relaxing Sounds of Nature - The Pure Meditation Album" and it seems to really help! When he starts to get fussy and yet he was just fed, burped and changed, I put this song on and sure enough, poof! He falls asleep or just sits quietly. This is an actual photo of him asleep with this sounds on in the background. All I can say is give it a try. I now find myself calm as well and with energy saved to workout later.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jennifer Aniston's Yoga Pro Workout

I was reading US Weekly and they had a workout in their magazine that was designed by Jennifer Aniston's Yoga trainer Mandy Ingber. I will honesty try anything Jenn does because her tiny tight frame is smokin! I did it today and I LOVED it. I will now be doing it every other day in between my Zuzana workouts.

Before doing these exercises, I went for a quick jog as a warm up because I feel like workouts are more effective at burning calories when your heart rate is already up. Below are the exercise names and what to do. I don't have images because I pulled this out of US Weekly. If you are unsure of how the pose actually goes, you can Google it and click images and it will pop up right away.


*6 Exercises Total
*3 Rounds
*Perform 8 squats between each exercise

1) Chair Pose - Butt, Thighs, & Calves
Hold for 30 seconds

2) Boat Pose - Abs
Hold for 30 - 60 seconds

3) One - Arm Balance (Side Plank) - Shoulders, Abs, Legs
Hold for 15 seconds, Switch sides; repeat

4) Forearm Plank & Leg Lift - Shoulders, Arms, Abs, Legs
Pressing back in to heels, raise left leg an inch off floor, flexing
foot and holding for 15 seconds. Switch sides; repeat.

5) Temple Pose - Thighs, Butt
Hold for 30-60 seconds

6) Tree Pose - Abs, Thighs
Hold for 30 seconds. Switch Legs; repeat